Oman announces 6-day holiday for employees for Eid Al Adha

Muscat: Ahead of Eid Al Adha, Oman announced a six-day holiday – June 27 to July 1 – for public and private sector employees. Official work will resume on July 2.

“Eid Al Adha holiday 1444 AH for public and private sectors in Oman will start on June 27 June, 2023. Work shall be resumed on Sunday, 2 July 2023” Oman News Agency tweeted.

On Sunday, the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs officially declared the festival will begin on June 28.

About Eid Al Adha

Eid Al Adha (also known as BakrEid and Eid uz Zuha in the Indian continent) is celebrated around the world on the 10th of Zul-Hijjah – the month considered one of the holiest months of the Islamic calendar and celebrated the sacrifices of the Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hajar and their son, the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them).

Eid Al Adha – the second holiest festival for Muslims around the world also coincides with the annual Haj rites, i.e. the pilgrimage to Makkah.