Mumbai: Bollywood’s young actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case is getting gloomy with each passing day. Now that the CBI has come into action, actress Rhea Chakraborty shared her side of the story with a media channel.
In an interview with the media channel on Thursday, Rhea Chakraborty claimed that her late boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput did not step out of his room in Paris during their vacation. But these revelations about Sushant did not go well with many netizens and they were quick to prove Rhea’s claims wrong. Many netizens shared Sushant’s video, wherein the Raabta actor can be seen enjoying Disneyland of Paris to the fullest, and he looks very elated.
Watch the video below which was shared by Sushant Singh Rajput on October 9, 2019. ‘Mickey in Disneyland #livingMyDream#lovingMyDreams,’ the actor captioned.
One user shared the video, and tweeted: “She is saying #SSR was in his room in Paris for straight 3 days and he didn’t come out of his room in #Paris !!! Hello hello, here is d proof of him enjoying Disneyland Paris… What a liar she is.”
Another posted: “So Rhea Madam, tell me who is this, who is seen having fun at Disneyland. #ArrestRheaChakroborty.”
“She said #SSR was in his room in Paris for 3 days, he didn’t come out. What about this,” one wrote.
Sushant was found dead in his Mumbai apartment on June 14. His case is currently being investigated by the CBI, NCB, and the ED. Rhea Chakraborty who is the prime accused in the late actor’s death case is being interrogated by multiple agencies after the late actor’s father KK Singh filed an FIR against her.