New Delhi : Indian ride aggregator Ola on Thursday launched a comprehensive in-trip insurance program for its customers across India, thereby extending the benefits of the ‘Chalo befikar’ insurance program to its customers across all categories, namely cabs, auto, and e-rickshaw.
In this regard, Ola partnered with Acko General Insurance Ltd to launch this program designed to benefit its customers across 110 cities. A user booking an Ola ride can opt for an in-trip insurance cover while booking the ride at a premium of Re. 1 for all intra-city travel; Rs.10 for Ola Rentals; and Rs. 15 for Ola Outstation.
The first-of-its-kind program is being rolled out for customers in major metros and will be scaled up to all cities, covering the entire base in the coming weeks. The comprehensive insurance program provides benefits in cases of loss of baggage or laptops, missed flights, accidental medical expense, ambulance transportation cover, and much more. The optional in-trip insurance program can be purchased through the Ola app. The claims can be made through the Ola app as well as Acko’s website, mobile app and, call center.
“Just for Re. 1, Ola customers can avail an insurance policy of Rs. 5 lakh which will also provide cover for missed flights, loss of baggage, loss of a laptop, emergency hotel requirements, and many more. The launch of this initiative, a first of its kind in India, reiterates our resolve of building customer-first solutions,” said Ola COO Vishal Kaul.
“Together with Ola, we have created a first of its kind in-trip insurance that would be of great value to millions of Ola users and would ensure that their daily commute is stress-free. We have been able to develop an easy to understand the product that is delivered seamlessly to the user. As India’s first insure-tech player we made this possible with our capabilities in product design along with our technology platform that is capable of high volume insurance transactions in real time for both policy issuance and claims management,” added Acko founder and CEO, Varun Dua.
For a new user to avail the in-trip insurance program, he/she may access the ride insurance option available in the ‘profile’ section of the ‘Menu’ tab. Thereafter, the user will be given the option to activate insurance on all future rides. However, this option can be turned off at any point on the Ola app. (ANI)