New Delhi : The Delhi High Court on Monday transferred the plea of 20 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLAs challenging the disqualification order to the division bench of the court in connection with ‘office of profit’ case.
The High Court also continued its interim order which has asked the Election Commission (EC) to not issue any notification for the Delhi by polls.
Acting Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, Gita Mittal will decide the division bench for tomorrow.
Earlier on January 23, AAP approached the Delhi High Court seeking to quash the disqualification of its 20 MLAs accused of holding the ‘office of profit’.
On January 21, President Ram Nath Kovind approved the disqualification of those MLAs, accused of holding the ‘office of profit’, after the Election Commission of India on January 19 had recommended for the same.
Earlier on January 22, they withdrew their plea from the High Court that they had filed on January 19 after the Election Commission’s recommendation.
The Delhi High Court, on that date, refused to pass any interim order of protection to those MLAs. (ANI)