New Delhi: The Delegation of Muslim Reservation Front met with Justice Rohini former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and Chairperson Commission to examine sub Categorization of Other Backward Classes at Vigyan Bhavan Annex and Submitted a Comprehensive Data of backward classes of Muslims and demand to the commission that to recommend the Government to provide 5% reservations to the Christians in the state and recommend for the inclusion of Dalit Muslims & Dalit Christian in SC List on the basis of Ranganath Misra commission recommendations.
The representation further states:
2. That the State Government of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are providing 4% separate reservation Under BC-E Category to the 14 Categories of Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Muslim of the both States.
3. That the Government of India is providing 27% Reservations to the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and the Muslim Backward classes are unable to get their proper share in Central Educational Institutions as well as in Employment in Central Services, as there is no Sub- Categorization of Backward Classes in the Central list of OBCs. Our ratio is less than 1% in Central institutions, Civil Services due to Non Categorization OF OBC LIST. The backward classes of Muslim are unable to compete with other Backward Classes as well.
4. We request this Hon’ble commission to recommend the Government of India to provide 5% quota within 27% Reservations of OBCs to the Backward Classes of Muslims who were already included in the list of OBCs by Creating a Separate Category for them.