Obama ignores Sharif”s request to end drone strikes in Pak tribal areas

President Barack Obama has refused to respond to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s request to end drone strikes in Pakistan”s tribal regions.

While Sharif emphasised on the need to end American air-borne strikes on his country, Obama did not mention drones in his statement, the Daily Times reports.

The White House recently released 1.6 billion dollars in aid to the Pakistan military, which had been earlier blocked due to tense ties between the two nations over the 2011 secret U.S. raid on Abbottabad that resulted in the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden without any advance warning to Pakistan.

Obama also agreed to co-operate in briefing Sharif on the steps being taken by U.S. and NATO-coalition forces to withdraw from Kabul next year.

The two leaders also urged the Taliban to join in reconciliation efforts and enter into a peace dialogue with the Afghan Government. (ANI)