Number of nonvegetarians growing in India: NFHS

Hyderabad: The number of nonvegetarians is growing in the country, particularly in states which are opposed to nonvegetarian food like Gujarat, UP, MP, and Karnataka.

The central government in its National Family Welfare survey which included men and women between 15 and 49 years found out that in comparison to the vegetarian the number of nonvegetarian men are growing in the country.

The number of vegetarian men decreased from 21.6% to 16.6% while a 5% increase was recorded in nonvegetarians.   Nonveg women recorded a slight increase of 0.6 %.

Lakshadweep tops the Indian states where 98.4 % of people are nonvegetarians eating chicken, mutton and fish while Rajasthan is the state where only 14.1 % of people are nonvegetarians.

Lakshadweep is followed by Andaman Nicobar (96.1 percent), Goa (93.8 percent), Kerala (90.1 percent) and Pondicherry (89.9 percent).

The number of those who eat non-veg food once a week is also growing. In Andhra Pradesh, 97.4% of men and 95% of Women are nonvegetarians. In comparison to the past, the number of vegetarian men and women is growing.