Fleeing war-torn Syria, Nujeen Mustafa, a young woman travelled across several countries, 5,600 kilometers (3,500 miles) on a wheelchair three years ago. It took her and her family 16 months to make their way to Germany.
InfoMigrants quoted 19-year-old Nujeen as saying, “It certainly wasn’t the easiest thing to do but it wasn’t all bleak either. For me, it was just a chance to have a new life, a chance to have a future”
Nujeen was born with a disability. She had to make her way to Europe on wheels rather than legs. But despite her additional hardship, Nujeen is grateful for her new life. All is not well for Nujeen in her new life but she has learned to adjust. Within 3 years, she had learnt to speak the German language almost fluently. She learnt English by watching soap operas on television. She was also quick to adopt the new culture. But she finds it difficult to savour the German food, as according to her, there are no spices, no taste. However, she does like the desserts. She dreams of going back to Syria one day.