Hyderabad: Tension prevailed near Pragati Bhavan on Wednesday. Despite pending petition in the High Court, the Telangana government released the timetable for the examinations. Questioning this, an attempt was made to encircle Pragati Bhavan under the leadership of NSUI state president Balmuri Venkat in the morning.
NSUI activists also attempted to encircle the camp office. All kinds of entrance examinations were demanded to be cancelled. NSUI workers wearing PPE kits gathered in a big way near Pragati Bhavan.
Some activists of the student organization dodged the police and went to the camp office. Police vigilantly detained NSUI cadres. This led to tension.
During the demonstration, the state president of NSUI said that the number of corona positive is increasing every day in the state. Instead of increasing the number of corona tests, the government is trying to play with the lives of students. He said that the petition is pending in the Telangana High Court. Despite this, the government is adopting a stubborn attitude.