Hyderabad: If a review of the population of Hyderabad city is made, it will be known that 5,05784 Hindus and 5,02,369 Muslims and 27% of the total population is illiterate. They have no documents.
According to an analysis made on the basis of 2011 census, there are 20,46,051 Hindus and 17,13,405 Muslims in the city. Christians are 87,522 and out of them 17,737 are illiterate. In the same manner, there are 11,446 Sikhs and out of them 2397 are illiterate. The Buddhists are 1268 and out of them 281 are illiterates.
Jains constitute 31% of the total population of the city. Their population is 19,560 out of them 2811 are illiterates. There are 2,47,927 S.Cs in the city out of them 74,444 are illiterates. There are 48,937 S.Ts and out of them 19,637 are illiterates.
It has been notified by Govt. of India that NPR will start on 1st April 2020 along with census. In this manner, there is no diffidence between NPR and census.