Now, Rs 1,000 fine for not wearing helmet

Hyderabad: Beware of draconian new traffic rules taking effect from September 1. A vehicle rider failing to give way to emergency vehicles such as ambulances could be slapped with a hefty fine of Rs 10,000.

If the fined driver drives the vehicle again, he is going to be fined Rs 10,000. The amounts of fines to be levied under the new rules have been put on display with the slogan ‘Observe the traffic rule and save the fine amount’.

The fine prescribed for not wearing helmet is Rs 1000. If a car driver is not wearing seat belt, the fine amount is the same. Fine to be levied for cell phone driving is Rs 5,000, drunken driving Rs 10,000, and signal jumping Rs 5,000. The fine for triple riding is Rs 5,000.

Traffic police personnel suggest that those who follow the rules can save their lives and also the amount of money that is payable towards fine.

Authored by Mohammed Hussain,