Jaipur: According to reports a hospital in Jaipur has been asking patients to reveal their religion before being treated. Patients who visit Sawai Man Singh Hospital in Jaipur are being asked to register their names, surnames and religions in the Out Patients Department (OPD). The hospital has provided a mobile app for registration at the OPD, which makes it mandatory for the patients to disclose their religion.
According to hospital officials, the step has been taken to digitalise records of patients so that the health department could investigate any religion-specific ailments. Defending the step SMS hospital medical officer Dr DS Mena said some diseases are specific to patients belonging to a particular religion and there are some diseases which are rare in a particular religion or sect. It is common in medical science to know the religion of any patient.
Principal Doctor of SMS Medical College US Agarwal referring to the medical science said learning about the sex, caste and religion of the patients helps in doing research on the diseases common in them.