A concept device has been created by BBC where the script can get altered depending on factors like weather.
The Perceptive Radio, produced by the Future Media North Lab, is believed to be a world first.
The proof-of-concept drama, which used a computer-generated voice for one of the characters, can adapt on the fly according to information pulled from external sources.
For example, the radio can make reference to local places that would differ depending on where in the world a person is or it would mention weather conditions dependent on what was happening in the real world like replacing the phrase “it’s sunny outside” with “it’s raining,” the BBC reported.
It also has a mic that can monitor noise in the background and determine if certain sounds like speech should be amplified to improve the listening experience.
Tony Churnside, a BBC technologist likened the technology to responsive web design, a technique that enables web pages to automatically change shape and configuration depending on what type of device they are being read on, like a smartphone or tablet.
The team has also created a website demonstrating a radio drama based on a woman who is stuck in lift. (ANI)