Now contraceptive pill for Men

Tel Aviv, July 01: Now men too can take quality measures to prevent birth control as scientists have now developed contraceptive pills for them.

Scientists were working on the contraceptive pills for years and hormone jabs were given to the selected group of recipients by doctors. Trials were conducted on these men to find the effect of the contraceptive pills. Some of them developed side effects like failure of libido and depression after trying out the pills.

An Israeli team of qualified scientists has created a pill that functions by cramming the biochemical mechanism of the sperm. This pill will remove the crucial protein present in the sperm that is important for conceiving. These pills are very effective and have to be taken only four times in a year. Haim Breitbart, renowned scientist at the Bar-Ilan University assured that the sexual activity of men will not be hindered on taking these pills.

When polls were conducted regarding the men’s pills, it showed that many women believed that they would not get pregnant if men were to take the contraceptive pills daily.

Prof Breitbart also added that women trust that their male counterparts will remember to have the pill every month or once in every 3 years.
