A new has been developed that can create 3D-images in almost pitch-black conditions.
The researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which developed the camera, captured images of objects, using just single particles of light, known as photons.
According to the BBC, the team of researchers said the technology could be used to help soldiers on combat operations.
Ahmed Kirmani, who wrote the paper, said the research has been called ‘counter-intuitive’ as normally the number of photons detected would tell you how bright an image was.
He said that the camera technology is similar to the Lidar system used by Google for its Streetview service.
The team said the camera’s technology could be used in many different fields.
It could help ophthalmologists to create an image of a patient’s eye without having to shine a bright light in someone’s eye.
The researchers said that the technology could be developed to make 3D cameras for mobile phones.
The camera requires less light than the ones currently available and therefore uses less power, the report added.