Now, an animated film on Michael Jackson’s pet chimpanzee

Los Angeles: “King of Pop” Michael Jackson’s pet chimpanzee Bubbles is heading to the big screen — in an animated avatar.

Bubbles will be the centre of a stop-motion animated film aptly titled “Bubbles”, which will be produced by “Community” creator Dan Harmon and his Starburns Industries, reports

Adapted from Isaac Adamson’s script that has just been acquired by Andrew Kortschak’s End Cue, the film tells the story of Michael Jackson’s life and history from the perspective of the pet chimpanzee which got a close-up view after being adopted by Jackson from an Austin, Texas research facility and given residence at the Neverland Ranch in 1983.

He became Jackson’s constant companion until he became overaggressive and was moved to a monkey sanctuary in Florida. The script has been considered a very inventive way to tell an unauthorised story of Jackson without needing permission.

So far, the film has no director or actors attached to it.