Mumbai: The Bombay High Court, on Monday, was informed by the CBI that it did not challenge the special trial court’s order of absolving the three senior Police officers DIG DG Vanzara, Rajasthan IPS officer Dinesh MN, and Gujarat IPS officer Rajkumar Pandiyan.
DG Vanzara was accused in alleged fake encounter of Sohrabuddin Shaikh and his aide Tulsiram Prajapati.
According to the news reported in Times of India, in the years 2016 and 2017, the trial court had ordered the discharge of three officers for lack of proper sanction.
However, last year the CBI had appealed against the dropping of charges against two junior officers Dalpat Singh and AK Amin.
Sohrabuddin’s brother Rubabuddin Shaikh challenged the trial court order of discharging the three senior police officers. The High court was hearing the revised application filed by Rubabuddin Shaikh.