Perfection of noble character was one of the most important objectives of the Prophet’s (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) mission

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

“It is He who raised up among the unlettered [Arabs] a Messenger from them to recite His verses to them and purify them and teach them the Book and Wisdom, even though before that they were clearly misguided.”
(Soorat Al-Jumu‛ah, 62:2)

This verse reveals one of the favours Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) has bestowed on the believers, stating that He has sent them His Messenger, Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), to teach them the Qur’an and to purify them. Purification can only be attained by purging one’s heart from such imperfections as associating others with Allah in worship, having bad moral character like hatred and jealousy and ridding one’s speech and deeds of all forms of evil practices. The Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) once declared:

“I have been sent to perfect noble character.”
[Sunan Al-Bayhaqee: 21301]

This statement makes it clear that one of the reasons behind the Prophet’s mission was to elevate and perfect the moral character of the individual and society at large.


Perfection of noble character was one of the most important objectives of the Prophet’s (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) mission.

When asked about the best of the believers, the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) replied:

“They are those who have the best character and manners.”
[Sunan At-Tirmidhee: 1162; Sunan Abu Daawood: 4682]

In fact, the Qur’an uses the comprehensive Arabic word birr to refer to faith. As the Qur’an states, “Righteousness (birr) does not lie in turning your faces [during prayer] to the East or to the West. Rather, those with true devoutness are the ones who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the Prophets…”
(Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:177)

The word birr is a rather comprehensive term which includes all forms of righteousness, in word and deed. It is for this reason that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:

“Righteousness (birr) is good character.”
[Saheeh Muslim: 2553]

This becomes clear in the Prophet’s (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) declaration:

“Faith (eemaan) has sixty odd branches. The uppermost of all these is the Testimony of Faith: Laa ilaaha illallaah (There is no god worthy of worship except Allah) while the least of them is the removal of a harmful object from the road. Shyness is a branch of faith.”
[Saheeh Muslim: 35]


Every time Allah commands the believers to perform an act of worship, He draws their attention to its moral significance or its positive effect on the individual and society. Examples of this are numerous and include the following:

The Prayer:
“Establish the prayer, for the prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds.”
(Soorat Al-‛Ankaboot, 29:45).

The Obligatory Charity Payment (Zakaat):
“Take zakaat from their wealth to purify and cleanse themwith it.”
(Soorat At-Tawbah: 9:103)

Besides showing kindness and giving comfort to people, zakaat refines benefactor’s character and purges it from evil practices.

“O You who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you just as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may remain conscious of Allah.”
(Soorat Al-Baqarah: 183)

This verse makes it abundantly clear that the foremost objective of fasting is to realise consciousness of Allah by obeying His commands and avoiding all words and deeds He has prohibited. As the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:

“ Whoever does not abandon false speech and false conduct, then Allah has no need of his abandoning of food and drink.”
[Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: 1804]

Therefore, if fasting fails to effect a change in one’s character and dealings with others, it will by no means serve its real purpose.
