No Validity for Disclaimers

Dubai, August 03: A Dubai Municipality official on Sunday said the civic body will not accept disclaimers issued by restaurants if any food safety issue arises because they were at fault.

The response from the Director of Food Control Department, Khalid Mohammed Sherif, comes after 
Kempinski Hotel in Mall of the Emirates started asking its customers to sign disclaimers.

The disclaimers state that the restaurants in the hotel are not responsible for the quality of food once it has left their premises. “I think they were caught between the idea of an advisory and a disclaimer. Even if the customers have a responsibility to handle takeaway food properly, it doesn’t mean that restaurants do not have any responsibility in the quality of food they make.”

The official noted that only a certain group of bacteria can cause food-borne illnesses due to temperature differences. “Food can be contaminated if it is not cooked well also. Outlets cannot wash their hands of responsibility in such instances.”

The hotel directed questions related to responsibility on cooking and storage methods to Dubai Municipality. However, it said in a statement that it would also introduce food and beverage information stickers on takeaway containers and packaging to define recommendations for the consumption of leftover and takeaway food items once they have been moved from the hotel premises, and to assist guests to make the right choices.
