Hyderabad: Kranti Sena issued a press note alleging that Nayeem’s encounter was fake. It was alleged that TRS leaders of Nalgonda District paid heavy amounts in TRS party fund and Nayeem was instrumental for the victory of TRS in Nalgonda.
Kranti Sena exposed the real reason of Nayeem’s encounter. It alleged that Nayeem was commissioned by the DSP and MLA of his confidence under the pretext of resolving a land dispute. He was arrested and killed in a fake encounter. The organization alleged that Nayeem was exploited to shatter Maoists.
The Sena threatened that no TRS MLA will be spared and the revenge of Nayeem’s encounter would be taken. The press note was issued by Madhu, member of Maharashtra Central Committee and Jagat Patnaiak, member Odisha Central Committee.
–Siasat News