India cannot have talks with Pakistan when bullets are flying around, Minister of State for Defence and Planning Rao Inderjit Singh said today. India’s attitude toward Pakistan has been made clear by the Prime Minister and the Defence Minister, he said, apparently referring to the issue of repeated ceasefire violations on the Line of Control.
“You cannot have talks in an atmosphere when bullets and mortar shells are being fired,” Singh told a press conference held on the sidelines of the 44th All India Sainik Schools Pincipals’ Conference at Sainik School, Kazhakootam near here.T
alks with Pakistan were called off when they held talks with separatists, he said, adding, “Fundamental remains the same.’We cannot have talks when bullets are flying around. We will have to wait and watch. On the expansion of Sainik schools in the country, Singh said six more schools would be opened, three in Uttar Pradesh, two in Rajasthan and one in Uthrakand. With this, the number of Sainik schools in the country would go up to 31.
The objective of the government was to make the Sainik schools the backbone that provides young officers to Army, he pointed out. There was a shortage of Army officers to an extent of 9,000 to 10,000, he said, adding strengthening Sainik schools was one way to address the issue.