Clearing the air on Hyderabad Metro Rail project, L&T Metro Rail managing director V.B. Gadgil on Thursday said that “there will be no realignment of the Hyderabad Metro Rail and it will take its original route at Sultan Bazaar and the state Assembly”.
“We are moving as per the agreement and it is between two parties. The Metro Rail will go through Sultan Bazaar and Assembly and discussions are on for the Old City,” he said.
Reacting to this the Sultan Bazar Traders Association (SBTA) held an emergency meeting on Thursday, decided to observe bandh at Sultan Bazar on Friday, demanding realignment of Metro rail route as promised by the TRS government.
If this proposal goes through, more than 70 buildings and 300 traders at Sultan Bazaar would be affected. Ramesh, a trader said that each shop provides employment to at least three people and in certain shops the number goes up to 10.
Suman Gupta of Sultan Bazaar Traders Joint action Committee said, “The government has gone back on its word. Before TRS came to power, the Chief Minister promised the traders that Sultan Bazaar would not be affected.”