New Delhi: The hearing of the Aligarh Muslim University case which is pending with Supreme Court has been once again postponed till Saturday. Senior advocate Dr Rajiv Dhawan demanded that the case is transferred to the 7-member bench. However, advocate Z K Faizan opposed the demand.
Advocate Z K Faizan said that though Dr Rajiv Dhawan demanded to transfer the case to the constitutional bench I don’t think this it is needed. He said Aziz Basha judgement was dismissed with an amendment in 1981 in the parliament. After which Aligarh Muslim University got the status of the minority institution. Hence only the clarification is needed in the decision and constitutional bench is not needed for clarification.
He said when the parliament has passed a law regarding minority status of AMU and dismissed the previous judgment then there is no need for the constitutional bench. 3-member bench of Supreme Court is sufficient for it. It only has to make a clarification of the judgment. Sooner the case is solved the better, he said.