No need to fence Indo-Nepal border: SSB

Indo-Nepal border as the frontier is a friendly crossing between the two countries, the chief of border guarding SSB today said.

Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) Director General Arun Chaudhary, during a conference held here to commemorate 50 years of the raising of the force said, there was “no threat emanating from the people of Nepal” and hence this measure was not required.

“Replying to a question, DG SSB Arun Chaudhary responded that SSB did not want fence on this friendly border as no threat was emanating from the people of Nepal to India and its integrity. However, Pakistan came in for criticism for using the Nepalese soil and the open border in furthering its agenda of pushing terrorism, hardware and FICN to destabilise peace in India,” a statement issued by the force said.

The SSB, which functions under the Union Home Ministry, guards Indian frontiers with Nepal and Bhutan.

It was raised in 1963 in the wake of Chinese aggression.