Mumbai, August 01: Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi said that he id being denied accommodation in the Nibbana Cooperative Housing Society in Pali Hill because he is a Muslim.
Hashmi, who was looking forward to buying a new flat, told reporters that he has filed a complaint against the housing society with the Maharashtra Minority Commission.
Buzz up!”My parents went to meet society members last week to get a no objection certificate (NoC) along with the seller and the broker, but the society members, however, told them that they were busy and refused to meet them,” claimed Hashmi. Hashmi said the seller has informed him about the society’s refusal to give NoC.
The Vice Chairman of the Maharashtra Minority Commission, Abraham Mathai said, the commission has sent a show cause notice to the housing society.
The secretary of the housing society said, they have not received any letter from the Hashmis. He clarified that there is no ban on Muslims owning a house in the complex.