New Delhi: Rama Naga, one of the four students accused of organising the event at JNU where anti-national slogans were raised, said on Tuesday that they would cooperate with the police in the ongoing probe while adding that they are presently caught in between the confrontation of two groups.
“We have always tried to cooperate with the process. Even if the vice-chancellor allows the police to enter, we will not confront and assist them. We have neither organised the event nor have we raised slogans. There is no evidence against us, it was done by outsiders. We are caught in between the confrontation of two groups,” he told ANI.
He said that the event on February 9 was organized by some independent students in which some outsiders were also called in.
“The event that was organised on February 9 was not organised by us, JNU students’ union is not the organiser of that event. Some individuals and group of students had organised it and they had called some people from outside,” he said.
Naga said that he was merely trying to find out from the university administration as to why the permission for the event was cancelled following a letter by ABVP.
“That day I was in the admin block when I got a call informing that the permission for the event has been cancelled. As you know, for every issue in the JNU, students’ union gets the call. I went there and students showed me the permission letter,” he said.
“After this I called up registrar to ask why the permission was cancelled. He said that they had not given permission for this in first place.Then I realised that ABVP had approached the administration over this event and they even posted a letter, which they had written, on Facebook. I raised this issue and told them why it was cancelled,” he added.
Meanwhile, JNU student Umar Khalid and four others against whom a lookout notice had been issued moved the Delhi High Court today, seeking ample security before they surrender so that no untoward incident happens.
The five students Umar Khalid, Anant Prakash Narayan, Ashutosh Kumar, Rama Naga and Anirban Bhattacharya returned to the campus on Sunday night.
Earlier on Monday, Delhi Police Commissioner Bhim Sain Bassi asked the JNU students to join the probe and present evidence of their innocence.
When asked if the police would enter the JNU campus to arrest the students, the top cop said that his men are competent enough to deal with the situation. (ANI)