No danger for Govt. says Governor

Hyderabad, November 01: (Siasat News) Mr. E.S.L. Narasimhan, Governor of A.P. after meeting Home Minister Mr. Chidambaram while talking to newsmen in New Delhi said that Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy’s Govt. is not in danger. The claim that after the resignations of three Congress M.L.A’s from Telangana have resigned and hence the Govt. lost majority is wrong. Govt. has full majority.

Speaker has kept the resignations of M.L.A’s in abeyance. No one has asked him to ask the C.M. to seek fresh mandate from the Assembly to win a vote of confidence.

When news reporters asked him about Law and Order situation in the state, he said it is normal after the withdrawal of Telangana Govt. employees’ strike.

–Siasat News–