No bail or house arrest for accused Benghazi attacker

Washington: A federal judge has denied bail or house arrest for a Libyan man accused of involvement in the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans, including the US ambassador.

Mustafa al-Imam appeared in Washington federal court Thursday morning and entered a plea of not guilty on charges he provided “material support and resources to terrorists, resulting in death.”

The 46-year-old Al-Imam was captured in late October by Navy SEALs in the Libyan city of Misrata. His lawyer, in brief comments, claimed al-Imam was at most guilty of helping to loot the burning U.S. consulate in Benghazi long after the attacks.

The lawyer also asked that al-Imam be held in a halfway house rather than prison, saying the defendant is frail with chronic arthritis and poses no escape risk.