Taking note of a video clip purportedly showing a migrant labourer from Bihar being beaten to death allegedly by his factory owner in Amritsar, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Sunday directed his officials to take up the matter with the office of his Punjab counterpart for providing all possible help to the deceased’s family. A video clipping of torture inflicted by the factory owner on the labourer, identified as Ram Singh, was shown on TV channels and circulated on social media yesterday which purportedly showed that Singh was hung upside down by ropes and brutally battered by factory owner and his aides. Singh was accused of theft by the owner.
On Kumar’s directive, his secretary took up the matter with Punjab Chief Minister’s principal secretary and other officials and requested them to provide all assistance and cooperation to the deceased’s family, a press release issued by Public Relations Department said. The Punjab government assured the Bihar government officials that all assistance and help would be provided to the deceased family and stern action would be taken up against the culprits, the release said.
The Punjab government officials also conveyed to their Bihar counterparts that Amritsar district administration had informed that last rites of the deceased had been performed on Friday. The Amritsar district administration officials also informed that the deceased originally belonged to Nepal. The body of the deceased, who was taken away from his home in a car, allegedly belonging to the factory owner on Thursday, was found the next day, reports from Punjab said.