Hyderabad: National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR) is collaborating with Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE), Centre for Economic and Social Sciences (CESS), Hyderabad, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), India to organize the Tenth INSEE Biennial Conference from 6th to 8th November 2019 in Hyderabad. The conference is supported by the Government of Telangana, the TATA Trust and other agencies.
Prof K N Ninan, president of INSEE, is scheduled to deliver the presidential address. Dr. W.R. Reddy IAS, Director-General, NIRDPR, is among the Guests of Honour of the conference.
Speaking about this conference, Prof E. Revathi, Director, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, which is hosting the conference, said, “The INSEE-CESS International Conference on ‘Climate Change and Disasters: Challenges, Opportunities and Responses’ will focus on providing a platform for inter-disciplinary engagement on the risks arising out of climate change and building resilience to these risks have contributions from students, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.”
Speaking about the importance of this conference, Prof. Jeena T Srinivasan, Secretary, INSEE, and Organising Secretary of the conference, said that the conference will discuss the likely impacts of climate change on human and natural ecosystems, its impact on different sectors and sections of the society as well as evaluate the alternatives and policy options to address the risks posed by climate change and extreme weather events.
About 200 participants from different parts of India including a few from outside are participating various plenary, technical and panel discussions on specific topics. Important highlights of the conference IPCC Outreach Event by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a pre-conference and lectures by eminent scholars in other institutions in Hyderabad as curtain raiser event on 5th November. There is also a post conference workshops on environmental valuation on 9th November.
As part of the Conference, a panel from the Centre for Wage Employment (CWE), NIRDPR, will discuss the ‘MGNREGA Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Mitigation.’ The NIRDPR Faculty will also make presentations on different aspects of climate-mitigation and adaption in a technical session.
Speaking about the importance of this International Conference on Climate Change and Disasters, Prof. Jyothis Sathyapalan, Head, Centre for Wage Employment (CWE), NIRDPR, said, “The MGNREGS is one of the most extensive programmes with high potential to address the adaptation needs of rural India to climate change. MGNREGS also contributes globally by promoting largescale plantations in rural India. Our panel will discuss many such contributions MGNREGS to climate change adaptation and mitigation at a national scale. Integrating climate solutions in planning and execution of works under MGNREGS can strengthen environmental linkages with human livelihoods.”
Speaking about the NIRDPR Seminar on ‘MGNREGA Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Mitigation,’ Dr. P. Anuradha, Assistant Professor, CWE, NIRDPR, said, “Integrating climate solutions with MGNREGS encourage the local self-governments to modify their perspective plans towards achieving the United Nations 2030 agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly on climate change”