Niqab in Focus

Every now and then the issue of wearing niqab (women face veil) arises stirring controversies even among Muslims. The latest incident is that of Al-Azhar Grand Imam, sheikh Tantawi, who ordered a schoolgirl to remove her niqab, expressing determination to prohibit its wearing in Al-Azhar schools. He added that niqab is a tradition and that it has no connection with religion.
We need to clarify here that Tantawi’s stance on niqab as well as his statement lately should not be considered as a phenomenon.

The topic itself should be digested in light of the views and stances of the majority of jurists and scholars who have tried to tackle this important issue beyond the level of controversy.

Without being dragged into the debate and argument surrounding the case of Imam Tantawi and the context of his statement, Living Shari`ah Dept. wishes to explore the issue further; hoping that this folder could shed more light on the topic.
