Hyderabad: TS Health Minister, Dr. Lakshma Reddy appealed to the people of Telangana that there is no need to get panicky about Nipah virus. The health department of the State has taken necessary steps in this regard. In major hospitals, separate wards are arranged for such patients.
Dr. Lakshma Reddy was making a reference to the spread of Nipah virus in Kerala. He said that all precautionary measures have been taken by Health Department. This virus could be detected through a test but so far, no remedy has been suggested to stop it. An arrangement has been made with National Institute of Virology, Pune for detecting this virus. In addition to this, National Center for Diseases Control, Delhi and Manipal Center for Virology and Research have been contacted.
This virus could be controlled by creating awareness among the people. It is not a new virus. It was detected in Mayalasia and Singapore in 1998-1999. It was also detected in India last year.
He further told that this virus is found in rats and pigs. The symptoms of this disease are heavy fever and difficulty in breathing. Sometime BP might also increase. There is no treatment for this disease. However, special wards have been arranged in Osmania, Gandhi and Nelofour hospitals in Hyderabad and KEM Hospital of Warangal.
–Siasat News