HYDERABAD: The Nizam’s Institute Of Medical Sciences (NIMS) developed a mobile application for patients to help them register themselves online and avoid standing in long queues.
Telangana: NIMS Hospital in Hyderabad developed an app for patients to register themselves online to avoid standing in long queues. The app also allows them to access their medical record and download reports. pic.twitter.com/nRSZ7ibOiU
— ANI (@ANI) November 18, 2017
Director of NIMS Hospital Dr Manohar said, “It’s part of the hospital management information system, which was initiated in 2014 to ensure a medical record of patients are online so that you need not pile up hard copies of the records. I assumed the charge in 2015 & it was at a standstill.”
It's part of hospital management information system, which was initiated in 2014 to ensure medical record of patients are online, so that you need not pile up hard copies of the records. I assumed the charge in 2015 & it was at a standstill.: Dr. Manohar, Director, NIMS Hospital pic.twitter.com/fIcZU7RFX8
— ANI (@ANI) November 18, 2017
Further adding, Dr Manohar said, “So with the help of our minister of health & family welfare & our secretary, we sorted out the issues & launched this as pilot project in April 2017 as OP Module. After that it was finally launched in July 2017. This has helped patients avoid long queues.”
So with the help of our minister of health & family welfare & our secretary, we sorted out the issues & launched this as pilot project in April 2017 as OP Module. After that it was finally launched in July 2017. This has helped patients avoid long queues.: Director, NIMS Hospital pic.twitter.com/5vnXSe7Cq4
— ANI (@ANI) November 18, 2017