Washington: Nigerian artist Haneefah Adam is earning accolades from all quarters for her art. Turning waste in to wonder she uses leftover food to create masterpieces.
According to CNN, Adam is famous for making portraits and other pieces of art using leftover food products.

I have always been artistic,” she told CNN. “Growing up, my mother said I had a flair for art.”
A medical scientist by profession, Adam shot to fame in 2015 when she transformed Barbie into ‘Hijarbie’ – a hijab-wearing Muslim doll.
Currently, she is building a career out of rejigging food into art. “I do regular portraits, I sew and paint, but what excites me the most is food,” she said.
The artist told CNN that she gets inspired by random things, including life experiences and culture.
Apart from winning laurels for the country, Adam also won the #TechMeetsArtNG exhibition in 2016. The competition was a culinary one aimed at exploring the artistic presentation of some of Nigeria’s local meals.

Winning the competition was a stepping stone in her career which kick-started her full-time job in creating art for food brands such as Maggi and Dangote Salt.