Bengaluru: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday conducted searches at 43 locations in Bengaluru city including four offices of Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI), the political wing of Popular Front of India (PFI), relating to rioting and violent attacks on DJ Halli and KG Halli police stations in Bengaluru on August 11 this year.
“The cases pertain to large scale rioting armed with lethal weapons causing injuries to police personnel, destruction of public and private property including DJ Halli and KG Halli police stations buildings and public and private vehicles,” the official release from NIA said.
“So far, 124 accused have been arrested in DJ Halli police station case and 169 are arrested in KG Halli police station case respectively. During the searches, incriminating materials relating to SDPI and PFI as well as certain instruments for attacks like sword, knife, iron rods among other things were seized,” it continued.
NIA added that further investigation is going on in both cases.
Violence had broken out in parts of Bengaluru on August 11 over an alleged “derogatory” social media post. At least three people lost their lives, while nearly 60 police personnel were injured in the incident. The police arrested around 415 accused in connection with the violence.
An FIR was registered on the complaint of Congress MLA Akhanda Srinivas Murthy at DJ Halli Police station three days after the violence broke out in parts of Bengaluru over an alleged “derogatory” social media post by his nephew, the police said.