Hyderabad: Telangana High Court on Friday refused to interfere in the decision of the state government on New Near celebrations and timings of bars and pubs. A petitioner appealed to the court to direct the government to reduce timings of the bars and pubs to conduct new year events and celebrations.
He objected to the timings extended for New Year celebrations which will lead to any problems.
The court said that the police have already issued necessary guidelines for people attending New Year events, celebrations and timings of bars and pubs. The state governments will take necessary action at appropriate times, the court felt.
The Court on a petition said that it cannot interfere in the matter of timings given to pubs and bars to celebrate the New Year in the state. The government gave permission to the bars and pubs to 12 pm on Friday and up to 1 am in some cases, according to information. However, the Court observed that the state government completed 100 percent first dose vaccination and 66 percent second dose.
The Court instructed the government to follow central government guidelines on the Corona and Omicron issues. The High Court also directed that the government submit its report on action taken on the violations during the New Year celebrations on January 3 and adjourned the case to January 4.