New Scheme for Pregnant women in AP

Hyderabad, May 30: The State Government will soon take up “Janani” scheme under which nutritious food of 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of salt and 1 kg of Dal will be supplied to each pregnant women for 10 months.

The decision come out at the Chief Minister’s review meeting on health department. At the meeting, the Chief Minister has also taken a major decision for strengthening of government hospitals and health services.

Informing the details of the meeting to the media in the Secretariat here,the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Dr D L Ravindra Reddy said that the Chief Minister has decided to launch“Janani” scheme with an objective to ensure nutritious food to the pregnant women. Under the scheme, 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of salt and 1 kg of Dal would be supplied to pregnant women for six months before and four months after the delivery of a baby. Approximately, Rs 100 cost of food would be extended to pregnant woman per month, he added. The scheme would cause Rs 30 crores additional burden on the state government, he added. Presently, the 108 Services were extending service to transport pregnant women to Hospitals at the time of labour pains. The Chief Minister has directed the officials that the 108 Services should also safely drop the mother and child at their home after discharging from the hospital, he added.

He informed that the Chief Minister has also sanctioned Rs 14.72 crores for 184 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) for purchase of vehicles. Reminding that 400 Doctors working in PHCs were getting opportunity to PG courses every year in the quota of reservation to them and the posts were falling vacant, he said that it was decided to fill up 400 Doctors in that PHCs. The Government has also decided to enhance the budget for medicines for PHCs, area hospitals and teaching hospitals from Rs 195 crores to Rs 400 crores. The Chief Minister has directed the officialsto see that no patient from government hospital go out with prescription to purchase medicine outside like in Tamilnadu.

“It was also decided to upgrade area hospitals of Manchiryal, Hindupur, Palakonda, Kandukur as district hospitals with Rs 80 crores. The selected 52 Community Health Centres will be converted into 100 bed hospitals. In addition to this, 250 bed hospitals of Mahaboobnagar, Khammam and Vijayanagaram will be upgraded as 400 bed hospitals with Rs 110 crores”, the Minister revealed.

The Chief Minister has also accepted the suggestion of the Principal Secretary of Health, Dr P V Ramesh to appoint an IAS Officer to see administration/ supervision of 31 hospitals including 14teaching hospitals and 17 area hospitals.

The Minister has also announced that NIMS University Campus construction at Rangapur would be removed from purview of NIMS. The Chief Minister will visitit and take a decision whether it would be utilized for super specialty hospital or a cancer hospital. However, it was decided to take steps to operationalise it in the six months. Rs 10 crores dues of contractors would be cleared and the construction of building would be completed with another Rs 13 crores, he added.

He also informed that the Visakha Institute of Medical Sciences would be developed as a super specialty hospital on the lines of NIMS. It was also decided to extend Rs 9 crores financial assistance to Red Cross Society, A P. The Chief Minister has also sanctioned Rs 4 crores for Nizamia Unani Hospital,Charminar, he added.

Pointing out that there were two hospitals of Sidhartha Medical Collegein Vijayawada,the Minister informed that it was decided to setup Neonatal Intensive care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in the hospitals with Rs 2 crores.
