Hyderabad: In the past five months in Telangana, nearly 51,000 jobs have bring into existence, and nearly 200 industries with medium and mega projects with a promise to start operations by the end of 2015-16.
Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certification System’ (TS-iPASS) had been announced by the State government. Apart from150 district-level projects the government has approved 52 medium and mega projects in the past 5 months.
Nearly 2 lakh jobs are going to be initiated in the coming 5 years .The government announced on Sunday. The Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited (TSIIC) had purchased about 20,000 acres of land out of which in 1.5 lakh acres is utilized for setting up new industries.
Apart from industries the State and the TSIIC will provide about 10 acres for big online firms llike Amazon and Flipkart in Rangareddy district.
The Google will set up its firm in Telangana which will create 5,000 jobs. The mobile phone manufacturing units such as Celkon and Makane are going to establish their industries at a cost of $20 million. The Indian mobile manufacturing unit of Micromax will be established over 15 acres of land at FabCity in Maheshwaram.
About 5,000 youth will be employed by the end of 2016. The ITC has also applied to establish two mega projects in paper mill and hotelier industry. This will provide about 7,500 jobs.
The government has started training classes for the skill development as per the requirements of upcoming industries at Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute at Bhudan Pochampally, TCS training centre at Shadnagar and other agencies which is run byNGOs.
The China Shanghai-based Electric Corporation is gong to invest about $40 billion for setting up hi-powered pipes units to establishing solar megaprojects.
The government is also taking initiatives to develop world class Pharma City at Mucherla where about 400 pharma units are going to established. Nearly 1 lakh employment will be generated.
The TS-iPASS allows industrialists to get approvals and permissions from several departments to establish industries through a single window system.
The government taking up TS-iPASS as a proactive challenge, and all the departments have been issuing clearance or NOCs as soon as possible.