Chennai: The pandemic outbreak has changed the definition of ‘normal’ in our lives. Just like the other aspects of our life, the advent of coronavirus has also altered the way weddings takes place. From minimal events with 50 guests to virtual rituals, the big fat weddings have undergone quite a makeover during the pandemic. Joining the list of new normal is the latest trend of sending wedding food to the invitees at their doorstep.
This trend came into light after pictures of the ‘Kalyana Sappadu’ or wedding meal being delivered by a Tamil family to the doorsteps of guests started doing rounds on social media.
A Twitter user shared a tweet which has now captured people’s attention. “New trend of a marriage invitation. Marriage food will be delivered at your doorstep,” she wrote.
Her tweet has four images. The first image shows the wedding invitation card which read, “We request you to honour by accepting the kalyana sappadu (wedding feast) that we will deliver to your home…”
The wedding invitation also mentioned the menu in detail with pictures of tiffin carriers labelled as per the foods it would contain, along with that of plantain leaf with instructions on the ordering of serving food.
Have a look at the pictures below:
The post has been receiving tons of appreciation comments from netizens for the innovative idea. Some even shared other different trends which are being followed at weddings during a pandemic.
“Also these days some relatives, since the limit of guests is 50 are keeping different functions and inviting different sets of relatives for each so that no is left out,” wrote a user sharing another trend.