New Delhi: HP India on Monday launched its Pavilion “x360” notebook with pen for students, creative professionals and millennials at a starting price of Rs 50,347.
The device comes packed with Intel 8th-generation Core processors with “Micro-edge” display for an immersive experience.
Its “Intel Optane” memory improves overall system performance by 28 per cent, thus, helping to open large media projects 4.1 times faster and helps launch emails 5.8 times faster.
“The new range of HP Pavilion x360 upholds our philosophy of customer centric innovation. The refreshed features in the new device will cater to the professional and personal needs of the students,” Vickram Bedi, Senior Director, Personal Systems, HP Inc. India, said in a statement.
Weighing 1.68 kg, the laptop is lighter than its predecessor and features dual storage for faster speed.
The 3D-geometric facets of the speaker grill provides better engineered audio and the notebook comes with a finger print reader for a secure and fast login.
With a battery backup of 11 hours, it is supported by HP “Fast Charge” for all day computing, the company claimed.
The notebook comes with a 5MP “World Facing” camera with 120-degree wide viewing lens which allows users to capture photos and videos from every angle.
HP has also introduced offers worth Rs 34,098 for students with its “Back to Campus” campaign that cover security, device warranty and damage protection.