New ‘Cadbury Pakodas’ will spoil your every childhood valentine

Once again welcome to the world of obnoxious food jodis. Today, on this auspicious day of Deepawali, we ruin your childhood experience, everyone’s favourite and still is, The Cadbury. Only just deep-fried.

Dr. Praneeth shared a video a few days back where a woman can be seen soaking a bar of Cadbury chocolate in besan and then deep frying it.

The woman, who has a roadside food stall opens a bar of chocolate, soaks it fully in a bowl of besan mix and then drops it in hot boiling oil. She keeps stirring it till it’s slightly brown.

For someone who watches the video from the middle, it looks like any other pakoda in the making. No one in their wildest dreams can imagine chocolate behind the besan covering. The woman serves the Chocolate Pakoda with some garnish.

We wonder how the chocolate did not melt while being deep-fried.

You can watch the video here.