A new app for smartphones reportedly streams text on the screen one word at a time, allowing efficient and faster reading.
The Spritz app, currently for Samsung’s latest Galaxy S5 smartphone and Gear 2 smartwatch, streams the words and show a red line at the Optical Recognition Point (ORP), where the eyes naturally go to in words to determine what they are.
According to Fox News, while reading only 20 percent of one’s time is spent processing the content, and the rest is taken up to physically move eyes from word to word, which is known as ‘ saccade,’ and scanning for ORP.
Spritz reduces the time taken and could turn the average 220 words per minute reader into super human 500 or even 1000 words per minute champions.
A user can adjust the reader to display words at different speeds but if they take a step up to 350 words per minute, they could read the entire Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in less than four hours.
The report said that the app would be available on Samsung’s devices in April and doesn’t require the user to train the eyes to use the system efficiently. (ANI)