Ghaziabad: Samajwadi Party leader Shivpal Yadav, who was sacked from the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet, on Thursday said he never nurtured an ambition to become the chief minister and will always remain a “disciplined soldier” of his brother Mulayam Singh Yadav.
Talking to reporters in Ghaziabad, on the way to Saharanpur he said, “I never wanted to become chief minister. Had I wanted, I could have been in 2003 but I supported Mulayam Singh Yadav and he became the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh”.
Shivpal said that he may or may not be the SP state president but will always remain a “disciplined soldier of Netaji (Mulayam)”.
He said SP will form a ‘Maha Gathbandhan’, as was in Bihar polls, with secular parties to check BJP from wresting power in Uttar Pradesh.