Bengaluru, Nov 13 : In a heart-wrenching incident, a 32-year-old security guard of Nepali origin killed his two daughters and three-year old son before committing suicide by hanging on Friday in the Mico Layout police limits in the city.
According to the police, the deceased have been identified as Janakaraj Bhist, 32, and his three children – Saraswati, 14, Hemanti, 9, and Rajkumar, 3. All are residents of Vinyasa Vijaya Apartments in Ramanashree Layout.
Speaking to reporters, Deputy Commissioner of Police (South-East) Srinath Mahadev Joshi said that Bhist was working as a security guard in the apartment for the last eight years and his children were studying in the nearby Shantiniketan School.
The DCP added that according to the complainant and Bhist’s elder sister Apsara Bhist, who also works nearby, ever since his wife Nanda Devi committed suicide on September 21, Bhist had gone into depression.
“The motive behind the suicide appears to be depression, but we are continuing our investigation,” he said.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.