New Delhi: Recently Sonia Gandhi had attended a women’s programme organised by the ministry of her sister-in-law Maneka Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi also sparred over the killing of Avni the tigress which strengthened the rumour that Nehru and Gandhi family may come closer. The speculations are rife in Bharatiya Janata Party that both the Gandhi families may become one.
Several BJP leaders are resented with Maneka Gandhi for her attack on the forest minister in Maharashtra Sudhir Mungantiwar over the killing of the man-eating tigress Avni. Maneka Gandhi called the killing a “ghastly murder” and a “straight case of crime”.
Mungantiwar is the veteran loyal of Sangh. Maneka had attacked him earlier as well. Maneka’s son Varun has totally distanced himself from party high command. Party had asked him to run a campaign during Uttar Pradesh assembly elections in 2017.
BJP fears that Gandhi family can politically become one.