Patna: Bollywood actress Neha Sharma took to her social media on Tuesday to celebrate her father, Congress leader Ajeet Sharma’s victory in the Bihar elections. Sharma managed to retain the Bhagalpur Vidhan Sabha seat.
According to the election commission, Sharma got around 65,502, defeating the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Rohit Pandey who received 64,389 votes.
Thanking everyone for the love and support, Neha Sharma took to her Instagram and wrote, “Overwhelmed with all the love you have given us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The faces of little kids with hope beaming in their eyes and screaming in joy, men and women smiling away are still afresh in my mind. This is our victory.”
Check out the Instagram post below:
Ahead of elections, Neha Sharma flew from Mumbai to Bhagalpur to boost the Congress campaign in order to seek votes for her father.
The voting for Bihar Assembly Elections 2020 was held in three phases on October 28, November 3, and 7 respectively, the counting of which was done on Tuesday.
The actress is set to play the lead role in the Hindi adaptation of Hungarian black comedy Liza, The Fox-Fairy. The film is helmed by Indrajit Nattoji and produced by Zee Studios. The film is also set to star Ila Arun, Namit Das, Pravesh Rana and Gautam Rode.
Neha Sharma is seen in various Bollywood movies including Crook, Youngistan, Tum Bin 2, and Mubarakan among others.