Mumbai: Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh on Tuesday took to their social media and shared a video where they were seen hitting each other. Well, it’s a fake fight and just a part of promotion for their upcoming music video “Khad Tainu Main Dassa”.
Neha Kakkar did not share any detail of the video and captioned just the title of her song as a hashtag. Rohanpreet reposted the same video on his Instagram wall and wrote, “Hadd Hai Yaar! @nehakakkar,” on his caption. Watch the video below:
Neha Kakkar’s post was soon flooded with comments. Many of her fans chimmed to the comments section and expressed about what led the lovers to indulge in the fist fight, most could not have enough of their cuteness.
The couple had announced the launch of their single on social media recently. Sharing the first poster of the music video, Neha had posted, “First Look/Poster of #KhadTainuMainDassa by Your Nehu and My @rohanpreetsingh 🤴🏻♥️.”
Rohanpreet Singh and Neha Kakkar got married on October 24, after dating each other for a while. They both featured in multiple music video including “Nehu Da Vyah” and “Khyaal Rakhya Kar”.