Hyderabad: Answer key for NEET 2018 has been released by CBSE. Besides, the OMR sheets, answer responses and code of test booklet have also been released on the official website for CBSE NEET 2018. In order to access the answer key and response sheets, students would need to login to their candidate’s profile.
May 27, 2018, is the last date to submit any challenge on the answer key/ OMR sheet/ test booklet code, which has to be submitted online. A processing fee of Rs. 100 has to be submitted per answer key/ response/ test booklet code.
After going through all the challenges received, the Board will prepare the final answer key based on which the NEET 2018 result will be announced.
The NEET 2018 result is likely to be announced on June 5, 2018.