These days, the Muslims are wandering in the darkness of illiteracy. They are so busy in their worldly affairs that they have forgotten their religious obligations. Islamic knowledge of the educated Muslims is also not adequate. The situation in the rural areas is very deplorable wherein the Muslims can’t even recite the first “Kalima” of Islam which proclaims the unity if Allah (SWT) and declares Hazrath Mohammed (PBUH) as his Prophet.
It is the responsibility of the educated Muslims, especially the Muslim scholars (Ulema) to equip the common Muslims with Islamic education and to concentrate on rural areas for imparting Islamic education. These thoughts were expressed by the president of Ambedkar National Congress, Mr. Mohammed Kazim Ali Khan. He visited many rural areas in Tamil Nadu. He told that the Muslims in the villages of Tamil Nadu are leading the life of the illiterates. Tribals in these areas are very much impressed by the Islamic teachings. If arrangements are made for imparting Islamic education in these tribal areas of Tamil Nadu, many persons can embrace Islam.
He expressed his hope that Muslim organizations like Jameeatul Ulema, Jamaat-e-Islami etc. would accelerate their missionary activities. He apprehended that the Christian missionaries might exploit this situation.
——Siasat News