Need to generate self confidence in Urdu teachers of Kerala

(Siasat News) In Kerala state there are nearly 2500 Urdu teachers working in Govt. and Aided schools. Urdu is taught as one the subject in these schools. Urdu teachers of Kerala love Urdu and they have a passion for learn Urdu but there is a need to inculcate self confidence among them so that they could express their thoughts properly in Urdu language.

These thoughts were expressed by Prof. Shah Mohammed Mazheruddin Farooqui, Director Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium teachers of Maulana Azad National Urdu University on the occasion of the inauguration of training program for Urdu medium teachers held from 19 to 23rd February 2014 in Colam (Kerala). He thanked SCERT, Kerala and the resource persons of the state for extending their cooperation for the successful conduct of training programs of Urdu University in Kerala. Prof. Farooqui was accompanied by Mr. Ghulam Samdani (Nanded), Mr. Mohammed Kotti, Mr. Mohiuddin Kotti, Mr. Abdul Hameed, Mr. Faisal and Mr. Shamsuddin who expressed their ideas on various subjects.

—-Siasat News